Google Encourages Hackers to Poke into Chrome Browser

For the second time this year, Google has set up its own hacker competition. The web search giant is hosting the Pwnium 2, which is being held at the Hack in the Box 10th anniversary conference in Malaysia. The challenge is simple: look for security holes in Google’s Chrome browser. Over $ 2 million worth of rewards are up for grabs.

The biggest prize goes to someone who can bug the browser by exploiting its own code, which could earn him or her a cool $ 60,000. Meanwhile, hacking Chrome with the help of WebKit or Windows kernel bug is rewarded with $ 50,000; and $ 40,000 for non-Chrome exploits using a bug in Flash, Windows, or a driver.

You can also go for an “incomplete exploit,” which Google defines as “an exploit that is not reliable, or an incomplete exploit chain.” Those who have accomplished such will be rewarded, the amount of which will be determined by the judging panel.

So why does Google allow itself to be hacked? The exploits serve as lessons for Chrome’s engineers, who are looking for ways to stop hackers from exploiting the browser.

Check out the Chromium Blog at the source for more information about Pwnium 2.

Source: Chromium Blog via Engadget
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